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I have worked in the corporate world in banking for the past 40 years and understand and have experienced the toll that stress can have on our well being; from health issues, poor sleep, lack of concentration and impaired judgement.


My journey to wellness began when I took my first meditation course in 2013.


It changed my life!


I began to notice that stressful situations weren’t affecting me the same.

I was calmer, a better listener and more present.

I noticed that I was more responsive and less reactive.

Happier and more joyful.

My sleep became more restful.

My blood pressure dropped.

My motivation and productivity improved.


Meditation has had such a huge positive impact in my life that I wanted to share it with everyone and become certified to teach it.




My first course in meditation was Transcendental Meditation in 2013. I subsequently attended several workshops at the Chopra Centrer and learned Primordial Sound meditation.


In 2016, I started my meditation teacher training with davidji Meditation Academy and then went on to completed my Masters of Wisdom and Meditation Teacher training in 2017.  In true fashion of pursuing excellence and deep wisdom, the journey continued in 2018 with Deeper Still, Advanced Masters of Wisdom and Meditation Teacher.


Join me as to learn the practical tools of meditation.  I am located in Whitby, Ontario and available for Toronto and the GTA for in-person consultations.  We can also always meet virtually online.


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